Personalised Supplement Program

Periodic monitoring and adjustments ensure that the program remains effective and aligned with your evolving health needs. Our personalized approach helps you achieve your preventive health goals and maintain optimal well-being.
* Nutraceuticals| Or commonly known as Supplements refer to products that are derived from food sources and provide additional health benefits beyond basic nutritional value. This term encompasses a wide range of products, including vitamins, minerals, herbal extracts, amino acids, and other dietary supplements. Nutraceuticals are often used to support overall health, promote specific wellness goals, or address nutritional deficiencies. They are available in various forms, such as pills, capsules, powders, or liquids, and are intended to complement a healthy diet and lifestyle.
How It Works
A healthy place to start
Talk To Us
- Let your body walk the talk starting with our individualized Medicare service for your health screening & blood test all in the comfort of your home or office at your convenience and privacy.
- Let our partner labs analyse your blood specimen.
See Your Pack
- Schedule our specialist doctor to review your blood test analysis results
- Get clear recommendation on which supplements are right for you.
- Order to receive 1 (included), 3, 6 or 9-month supplements at your doorstep. You can adjust anytime as your health needs change.
- Our Wellness pharmacists will compound your custom formulation in the specialized pharmacy lab. This process authenticates that your nutraceuticals are freshly prepared, ensuring maximum potency and efficacy.
Please Note: Freshly compounding custom supplements will be sent every 3 months to ensure the quality, purity, and freshness of the ingredients you are consuming.
Begin Your Healthy Habit
- Your supplements will come packaged in convenient daily packets to make it very easy and convenient to stay on track to support your optimal health and well-being.

Each Package Includes
- Tailored in-home/office Health Screening & Phlebotomy (blood sample draw) at your preferred time and privacy.
- Haematology | To test complete blood count to evaluate anaemia, leukaemia, inflammation, infections, etc
- Lipid | To determine risk of coronary heart diseases testing total blood cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL, LDL and cholesterol ratio
- Diabetic | To screen blood glucose for possible/early diabetes
- Kidney Function Profile | To test the proper functioning of the kidney
- Liver Function Profile | To detect inflammation or damages of the liver
- Urine Analysis | To detect infections and kidney diseases
- Bone & Joint Profile | To detect bone and joint disorders, osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, etc.
- STD | Sexually transmitted disease
- One-to-one consultation by a Specialist Doctor on your nutritional deficiency
- Blood test analysis result health and nutritional reports
- Private medical concierge service by Shari Wellness team
Antioxidants Test
Antioxidants, provide protection against damage caused by free radicals, play an important role in the development of many chronic disease including cardiovascular diseases, aging, anaemia, cancer, inflammation, etc. We assess the levels of 10 vitamins and antioxidants utilizing your blood sample to evaluate your body's oxidative stress status and antioxidant reserve.
Inclusion: One month supply of personalised freshly compounded nutraceuticals in daily supplement packs with option to upgrade to 3-, 6- and 9-months subscription.
Micro-nutrients Test
Nutritional balance plays a key role in optimal wellness, chronic disease prevention and managing the aging process. This test offers accurate and scientifically proven method of assessing the function of 18 nutritional components and the balance of micronutrients including vitamins, antioxidants, minerals and amino acids within the white blood cells. The lab results will be used to design customized supplements to maintain appropriate levels of nutrients to strengthen the body to function normally.
Please Note: Does not include any supply of freshly compounded personalised supplement. Personalised prescription will be finalised post Specialist Doctor session with choice of purchase.
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