Your Personalised Vitamins & Minerals
Your sustainable wellness begins here – predict, prevent, precision and personalised.
The journey to optimizing your personalised regenerative supplement begins with choices of preventive check ups:
- Antioxidants Test
- Micronutrients Test
- Hormone Screening
- Weight Management
- Comprehensive Genetic Analysis
- Telemore Length Measurement
- NK Cell Activity Diagnostics
- Food Intolerence Testing
- Comprehensive Preventive Check-Ups
In the proprietary lab, physicians and pharmacists formulate a range of supplement that address your key health concerns related to disease prevention and health optimisation..
Personalised supplements are packaged into morning, afternoon and evening sachets that help to provide balance to your body systems.

Personalised Supplements
Why Take Personalised Supplements?

Proper Nutrition Is Key
Vitamins and minerals are essential nutrients that the body needs to slow down the deterioration of health and degeneration caused by free radicals.
Maintaining stable and proper vitamin levels also improves the quality of life.

Getting Enough Vitamins & Minerals?
The best way to balance our body system is to eat a varied & complete diet consisting of vegetables, fruits, legumes, whole grains and proteins (that are low in fat and good fats such as nuts & olive oil).
But how do we ensure that our bodies are getting enough vitamins and minerals.

Understanding Vitamins & Mineral
If we eat foods that contain vitamins, minerals and other compounds that are less than the body’s needs, it can result in many serious diseases such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, cancer or osteoporosis.
While five micro-nutrients, Vitamin B6, Vitamin C, vitamin E, magnesium and zinc play roles in maintaining immune performance.
Our Solution
Personalised vitamins and minerals balancing program
Individually customised Vitamins & Minerals Balancing Program
that helps to adjust the level of Essential Micronutrients in the body to the optimum level

Micronutrients Test
The most accurate method of assessing nutritional balance and identifying deficiencies. Measures 18 nutritional components including vitamins, antioxidants, minerals and amino acids within our white blood cells.

Hormone Screening
Hormone testing can detect and evaluate hormonal imbalances that can affect overall health such as increased risk of heart disease, mood swings, abnormal weight gain and insomnia.

Anti-Aging Program
Measuring function of vitamins, antioxidants and hormones which our Preventive Medicine Specialist will provide an analysis, health advice and an individually customised health plan.

Food Tolerance
Test by Immunoglobulin G4 to 232 everyday food items. Help to detect any hidden food sensitivities that lead to the formation of toxic substances and unpleasant symptoms. Available for kids.

Telomere Length
To assess the rate your body is degenerating. Telomere length measurement will determine your aging process and the risk of developing debilitating diseases.

NK Cell Activity
Natural Killer Cells are white blood cells that help guard your body viruses and tumor cells. This test will reflect your immune function level to defend viral infections and cancerous cells.

DNA Premium
Test for 500+ reports with 20 categories indicating risk for formation of diseases (e.g. cancer gene) as well as assist to wisely control weight. Available for kids too.

Preventive Check Up
Holistic health check-up that focuses on prevention before disease progression and identity risk of asymptomatic disease and condition.