What is Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs) Therapy?
Stem cell therapy uses human stem cells (umbilical cord Wharton's Jelly MSC) to prevent, treat a disease or medical condition. The therapy is administered via infusion depending on health condition.

Passage 2 Cells
We provide highest quality standards MSCs to effectively heal and repair damaged tissues.

Premium Grade
We manufacture the Premium Grade of MSCs in our ISO 9001certified/EU-GMP standard laboratory.

Sterility Tested
All our MSCs are tested, purified and validated with a Certificate of Analysis (CoA) according to World Health Organisation (W.H.O.) standards.

W.H.O. Compliant Stem Cell Carrier
Our MSCsvare delivered in a secured carrier compliant with W.H.O. Performance Specification.

Why MSCs Therapy?
Therapy Process

Frequently Asked Questions
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Are all medical health conditions suitable for this therapy? + -
Our Medical Doctor will provide professional advice with comprehensive consultation based on each person's medical condition. Fee free to contact us or visit us for more information.
Is stem cells therapy proven to be effective? + -
In theory, there's no limit to the types of diseases that could be helped with stem cell research. The great regenerative potential of stem cells has created intense research involving experiments aimed at replacing tissues to treat many diseases. Scientists believe that it will lead to a potential cure for serious medical conditions that are caused by abnormal cell division and differentiation, such as cancer and several growth and development disorders.
How do Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs) help with COVID-19? + -
MSCs are a powerful immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory agent they normalize the function of the immune system altered by COVD-19. Stem cells can regenerate damaged or diseased tissues, reduce inflammation, contribute to organ recovery, prevent pulmonary fibrosis and modulate the immune system, promoting better health and quality of life.
What is your source of Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs)? + -
Our source is Wharton's Jelly which contain the highest concentration of MSCs. It is a connective tissue located within the umbilical cord largely composed of Mesenchymal Stem Cells and extracellular matrix components, including collagen, chondroitin sulfate, hyaluronic acid, and sulfates proteoglycans.
Are there any side effects after stem cell therapy? + -
There's no risk of harming any part of your body. Stem cell therapy is completely regenerative and doesn't involve the risks of surgical intervention. You won't need to worry about possible infection, anesthesia, and lengthy healing times.
How soon does therapy take into effect and how long does it last? + -
lt takes at least one month before you start to notice the gradual effects of stem cell regeneration and you may observe improvements to your medical condition for 6 months or more depending on your age, level of physical activity, and the severity of your medical condition.